To find out your scores on the five foundations, please register at, and take the “Moral Foundations Questionnaire.” If you would like a version of the MFQ that people can score for themselves, for example in a class or lecture on morality or politics, you can print this self-scorable MFQ30 (with thanks to Rev. Dirk van der Duim).
If you are a researcher and you want to collect data yourself, please use the MFQ30 (the 30 item Moral Foundations Questionnaire, revised in July 2008). You can use this item key to see which items go into each scale and which get dropped. Basically, the items on each part rotate through the five foundations: HFIAP, HFIAP…
To analyze your data: if possible please use this SPSS file to enter your data. It contains the same variable names that we use, and will therefore facilitate sharing data. You can then use this SPSS syntax file to calculate scores on each of the 5 subscales, for each of the two parts of the scale.
The MFQ30 contains several improvements over the 41 item version we were using before July 2008, including:
- Removal of 10 items that were not contributing well to measurement
- Refinement of 2 items that had multiple meanings or components
- Replacement of the old “astrology” item with 2 improved “catch” questions to remove people not responding seriously
If you must have a shorter version, you can use the MFQ20 (a 20 item version of the MFQ, with alphas that are slightly lower and with less breadth of conceptual coverage). Here is the item key, blank SPSS data file, and SPSS syntax file for the MFQ20. Please use the MFQ30 if at all possible. It’s hard to get good measurement with just 4 items per foundation!
MFQ Translations:
Chinese (Cantonese; Hong Kong)
Want to translate the MFQ into your language? Please do! See here for guidelines. And see here for a google doc template that will facilitate translation and back-translation. If you want to add a language, contact us and we’ll give you permission to edit it. [we don’t currently have any staff or contact person]
(Last updated August 26 2017)